PAngkor Curry Fish Head Restaurant

“Pangkor Curry Fish Head Restoran, 59, Jln SS24/8, 47300 Taman Megah, PJ (opposite Fatty Crab)…. popular for the curry fish head, this is an alternative to Fatty Crab customers who couldn’t get seats. This place has more variations and options for crabs than Fatty Crab ie. marmite, sour spicy, kam heong, etc. Other offerings are nice too eg. pork ribs and prawns. However, the service here is slow though at peak hours ie. an hour of waiting.”
I never been to this place. Once again, it’s sent in by a web visitor. Thankz to him !~ However, No pricing has been mentioned. Anyone know howz the pricing like ?
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February 27th, 2006 at 9:43 am
would love to know more, since i stay nearby..
February 27th, 2006 at 11:11 am
hey KY … why dont u go check out and let us know … hehe
March 5th, 2006 at 5:06 am
Now I remember this place, used to eat here too for crabs – made a change from Fatty Crab. It’s always packed too but the fried rice not as nice as Fatty Crab.
March 8th, 2006 at 9:02 pm
hi alice, i also wish i knew so that i can own a crab restaurant ! :>
January 11th, 2007 at 8:18 pm
Anyone wants to buy live mud crab. please call me for best price. I supply to restaurants in Klang Valley mostly. Number to call : 012 279 2929 (rezal)
April 3rd, 2010 at 10:38 pm
Food standard has dropped. The curry fish head was really blend that day. Perhaps too many customers to serve? The ham tan (salted egg) crab was lousy and cost us a bomb too! almost RM50 for about 750 gram. Only the honey chicken was good. but then again, it was better last time. Not my recommendation.